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Laurel McLaughlin (M.A. candidate, History of Art) co-curates exhibition at FJORD Gallery

February 21, 2017

Video film still from Mothertongue by Jiwon Woo 2016
Jiwon Woo, Mothertongue. 2016, Video (film still)
History of Art's Laurel McLaughlin (M.A. candidate) co-curates exhibition at with an opening reception Friday, March 3, from 7-9pm.

Here is the press release:

From one moment to the next, from one place to another, from state to state, thought to thought, meaning to meaning. Whether conscious or unconscious, physical or psychological, passages constellate the human experience in situations of territorial, psychological, ceremonial, bodily, and social transitions. 

But can these liminal states be isolated, described, analyzed, and stably defined? Are we to understand passages as personal or communal phenomena? Or could we conceive of a passage as the vehicle to mediate between binaries, a channel through which the individual and universal elements of a culture can overlap, collide, and modify one another? This show understands the notion of passage as a productive oscillation between the subjective and the objective, the magical and the scientific, the individual and the collective.

Please join the Incubation Series VII, hosted by FJORD Gallery, March 3-24, 2017. In this edition, the collaborative effort of Art History and Fine Arts graduate students at the University of Pennsylvania features the works of Laura Carlson, Yaochi Jin, Jeremy Jirsa, and Jiwon Woo curated by Francesca Ferrari and Laurel McLaughlin. Together, they explore the psychological, ethical, social, political, and aesthetic negotiations that enable us to imagine alternative forms of being.