All Announcements

RSVP for the Time Traveler's Ball and SUITS in Costume Studies

posted March 29, 2024

Interested in a formal costume party, a trip to a Philadelphia workshop, or an exciting academic conference in a discipline rarely explored at BMC? The BMC Costume Society organizing committee for our conference, SUITS in Costume Studies: Bodies of Work, needs to get a sense of our expected attendance! If you are considering attending SUITS, the Time Traveler's Ball, or any of the other associated events,  so the committee can have an idea of what numbers to expect. This is very important, and we appreciate hearing from you! Feel free to send this form to any friends who might be interested. More information about the event is also available 

We will release a more detailed schedule closer to the event, but we also thought we would give you a tentative outline of our program. SUITS will begin on Friday with a trip to the Philadelphia Fabric Workshop and Museum, followed by a roundtable luncheon discussion. In the evening, we will be hosting a Time Traveler's Ball, an optional formal dress event that will serve as our opening reception (costumes and historical dress encouraged, but by no means required!). On Saturday, we will host our papers and presentations, as well as our exhibition. If you are interested in any of these events, please RSVP!

For more: