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Shredding Truck for Data Weeding: Jan. 26

posted January 18, 2024

The focus of Data Weeding Day is safeguarding sensitive College information located in both your paper and electronic files, as well as lower our carbon footprint and server costs! We have moved this event to the beginning of the spring semester to allow for more time to clean out your office and get a head start on that spring cleaning. So bring your sensitive files for shredding on January 26. The Shredding Truck will be outside Taylor from 10-11:30 a.m. and behind the Ward building and Park Science from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Even come to watch, as the process is very satisfying!

Then, use a block of time to tackle some digital files and ensure safe storage of confidential information entrusted to you, as well as streamline your files. Data Weeding Day will benefit both you and the College by increasing our cyber-awareness.

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