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Publication: Melvin Research Group

November 7, 2023

A Modified Beckmann Rearrangement for the Facile Synthesis of Amidines and Imidates via Imidoyl Fluoride Intermediates

Authors: Vogel, James A.; Miller, Kirya F.; Shin, Eunjeong; Krussman, Jenna M.; Melvin, Patrick R.

Source: RSC Advances, Volume13, Issue43, Page 30129-30132, 

Type of Publication: Journal Article

Abstract: Herein, we report a modified Beckmann rearrangement using sulfone iminium fluoride (SIF) reagents to rapidly synthesize imidoyl fluoride intermediates. Subsequently, amidine and imidate products can be formed following the introduction of amine and alcohol nucleophiles, respectively. Overall, approximately 50 amidine and imidate products have been isolated in high yields utilizing mild conditions.
