outdoor students

Faculty Resources

Teach a 360°

Frequently Asked Questions

Application/Approval Process
Faculty have idea for 360°, gather team of professors to collaborate.

  • Meet with Provost and the 360° Coordinator to discuss long-range scheduling, budget projections, etc.
  • Draft 360 Proposal for submission to Provost and any New Course Proposals for submission to 360° Steering Committee.
  • Meet with 360 Steering Committee for brainstorming and feedback on proposal drafts.
  • Draft budget (with help from 360° Coordinator).
  • Submit cluster proposal and budget draft to 360 Coordinator by Nov. 15 in the academic year prior to cluster's intended offering date. 
  • Submit language for advertisement of course cluster online to 360° Coordinator.
  • Meet with 360° Coordinator to plan next steps.

Recruitment Process
Following approval from Provost (semester before cluster)

  • Draft student application with assistance from 360° Coordinator.
  • Hold information session at Â鶹ÊÓƵ (and other campuses, if interested) at least 2-3 weeks prior to beginning of preregistration
  • Select student participants (see Application Procedures for detailed timeline).
  • Meet with selected students.
  • Consider/strategize ways to reflect 360° experience back to BMC community.

Cluster Execution Process

  • Work with 360° Coordinator to finalize all field trip details.
  • Execute media strategy.
  • Administer 360° cluster student evaluations (in addition to individual course evaluations).
  • Reach out to 360° Coordinator for assistance.

Post-Cluster Process

  • Meet with 360° Coordinator to debrief on cluster experience.
  • Complete post-cluster evaluation materials.

360°s take a variety of forms, but are typically made up of three courses, each taught by a different faculty member. Additional structures can be seen in the 360° archives.

The application can be requested from the 360° Program Coordinator. Meetings with the Provost, the 360° Steering Committee, and the 360° Coordinator are encouraged. A general development outline is also available for reference.

A budget is developed by the faculty with help from the 360° Coordinator, then submitted to and approved by the Provost.

Upcoming 360°s are advertised in the Upcoming Courses section of the 360 website. Faculty are also encouraged to use department info sessions and major reps to share new 360°s. Posters and emails are distributed by the 360° Coordinator prior to the application period for all 360°s.

Students apply to 360°s using a Wufoo form designed by faculty and administered by the 360° Coordinator.

To be considered 360° participants, students must enroll in all courses required by the cluster. At faculty discretion, in consultation with the 360° Steering Committee, individual courses can be open to non-360° students.

Students are notified no later than the Monday of preregistration in the semester prior to the 360°. See the application procedures for further details.

Working in coordination with your Academic Support Person and the 360° Coordinator, please consult the Guest Policy as outlined on the Provost’s website.

The College has gathered a wide range of resources to help you prepare to lead field study trips, and the 360° Program Coordinator will work with you to design the most effective field experience for your particular cluster. We are also happy to connect you to past 360° faculty who are willing to share their experiences and advice.

The Provost’s Office provides $3,000 course development funds for each faculty member the summer prior to their 360° cluster.

The Teaching and Learning Initiative student consultants are available to work with faculty members during the planning, teaching, and/or assessment phases of a 360° cluster. See this document for further information.

Web Services (help@brynmawr.edu) can help you set up a Wordpress blog. The 360° Coordinator can also point you to other technological resources you can incorporate in your courses.

Faculty earn a 1.5 teaching credit in the semester of the 360°.

Sarah Theobald, the 360° Coordinator, is a good place to start. She may be reached via phone at: 610-526-5509, or via email at: stheobald@brynmawr.edu.